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Horse Riding Tips For Children

Horse riding is a wonderful outdoor activity for children, providing them with the vital skills they need as part of their development and a lifelong love of horses. The benefits of teaching your children to horse ride go further than simply physical exercise in the outdoors. Horse riding also teaches children better socialisation skills, helps to build their confidence levels and teaches them responsibility.

Horses require a lot of looking after when it comes to feeding, grooming and general maintenance so encouraging your child to do this teaches them important lessons about caring for animals and other people. Being active outdoors has also been proven to relieve stress and increase happiness in children.

Here are some helpful hints to get your child horse riding;

When searching for schools always look for those that are approved by the British Horse Society.

Children can really benefit from learning to horse ride- they are able to learn invaluable lessons such as sportsmanship, the responsibility of caring for others and for animals and much more. In addition, horse riding can equip your child with self-confidence and patience, abilities that will benefit them in all aspects of life.

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